Is 1 And 1 A Scam? There Is More To Them Than Meet’s The Eye!

images/web-hosting1&1 IONOS is a company that has been around for over 30 years, helping many people find great hosting and web services. They do their best to bring you relevant products, as well as all the things you need to properly run a business.

Of course, as is usually the case, the question comes to our attention about whether this service is a scam. But as we’ll see from the review, IONOS is the furthest thing from being called a scam!

Company: 1&1 IONOS (ION)

Creators: Unknown

Description: A web hosting and service for small and medium-sized businesses.

Price: Ranges from $1 to $100, depending on what package you buy.


Rating: 10 out of 10

ION (1&1 IONOS) has been around for some time. In that time, they have been able to become successful and well-known for many web hosting services. You need a domain, or hosting for you website? ION can give it to you.

If you need dedicated servers, or cloud storage, ION is able to also provide those to you as well. You need email, and don’t know where to start? Let ION walk you through the steps of all that.

Who is 1&1 IONOS

ION started out like other companies do. Slowly building their business out until they have now become the largest web hosting business in Europe. According to their website, they have over 8 million contracts, as well as host 12 million domains.

ION started out in 1988, around 30 years ago. Back then, they called themselves 1&1. The idea that started off 1&1 was trying to make technology open and accessible to everyone. And not only that, but make it easy to understand, and be simple for everyone to use.

Building themselves out, and networking from several countries, 1&1 was able to help bring online services to millions of people world-wide. With the wide reach they had, 1&1 continued expanding the various offers and services that they provided.

One of the offers they added (and still have) is cloud-based tools and services. Cloud-based basically means that you store something online, other than your computer, or personal storage space. Since it’s elsewhere (i.e. on the cloud), you can use these things no matter where you are, provided you have internet access.

While there are pros and cons of cloud-based applications (which can be discussed elsewhere), 1&1 added this for the benefit of you being able to use these services without having to worry about storage, space, processing speed, etc.

In 2018, 1&1 combined their solutions with another company, called ProfitBricks. Out of this emerged a company called 1&1 IONOS, which is what we have currently today.

ION has a large number of products that they sell, including:

  • Domain, Email & Security
  • Website, Blog & eCommerce
  • Hosting
  • Server
  • Office & Online Storage
  • Cloud Solutions & Services
  • Marketing & Advertising

Solutions Provided By IONOS

ION also provides a large array of services and solutions, making it easier for you to start and keep your online business, no matter the size.

Domains. Want to buy your own URL, and own your own website? If so, then ION can help you. Domains can be hard at images/Domain-Castletimes to find, and many times it’s not an easy process buying them. But if you let ION take care of it, you’ll have your own domain in a matter of minutes, if not seconds.

Or if you need to transfer your domain from one thing to another, ION is also happy to help out as well. You can move it to ION or away from them (if you so choose to). In either case, Ion will help with the moving process.

Websites. Do you have your domain picked out, but not sure how to make it, or even host it? Once again, ION is willing to help you out. They have services to help get the most out of your hosting, as well as providing you website templates, where you simply choose which theme you like, and apply it to your site.

If you want to go even further, you can ask ION to help give you a custom-made site, where they’ll do much of the leg-work to get it the exact way you want it to look.

Business. Maybe you have a business all set out, domain chosen, and hosting all secure, but you are unsure how to get your name out there. ION has solutions for those problems as well.

Whether it’s helping market your business or creating a virtual online store, you can find answers to those problems through ION. And even if you have a physical business, with no online presence, ION can help bring about a digital form of your business, extending your reach even further.

Cloud Services. If you need virtual space, or need a place to store things that you can get at where ever you are, then check out ION’s Cloud Services. You can also look into their computation solutions as well, using the cloud to efficiently complete difficult tasks.

With cloud services also comes services, both IaaS and PaaS solutions. You can even use their services to do all the graphical designing you’ve wanted to do, but never had a chance to because of slow computers.

Servers to Develop and Test With. And ION isn’t for people who don’t know what their doing. It’s also for those savvy-computer guys who know a little too much about computers.

ION offers development and testing solutions for you to use to, well, develop and test things. Whether it’s a program, script, or even some software, ION is willing to help.

They can provide Apache, Tomcat, Passenger, and Nginx, as well as various SQL services for those doing things with databases. You can even get inexpensive root servers if you so choose to.

Any Special Reason to Choose IONOS?

Choosing one product over another is pretty daunting. You seem to be able to always find cheaper prices, and better services somewhere else. But below are just a few reasons why I would recommend ION over others.

Getting A Reliable Partner. ION has been in this business for over 30 years. That’s older than a lot of the people who currently use the web. They have shown, through the test of time, that they can bring you a product that is worth your while.

On top of that, they are concerned with your safety and security, and take preventive measures to make sure that isn’t leaked or given away. With today’s hackers and scammers out there, having a company trying to protect you (instead of take advantage of you) is the best option.

With ION comes a dependability that allows you to get just what you need. ION is there to help you with any custom-made options you need, giving you affordable options to tailor you specific needs.

Getting A Great Support System. Support can be lacking in some businesses, especially in ones that I have reviewed. But ION is willing to go above and beyond their own means. Not only do they provide you 24 hour support no matter where you live, but they also provide dedicated consultants for you personal needs.

They also have an arsenal of tutorials, articles, and other informative collections of how-to’s. Whether it’s learning how to use a certain product, or answer to various frequently asked questions, ION is willing to help you find the answer that you need to keep your business online.

Getting Transparency and Fairness. With ION comes no fine print, or upsells that you’ll have to worry about later on down the road. What you read is what you get. No secret ponzi schemes or scams happening behind your back.

If you’re not happy about the service you’re provided, you can also get a 30-day money back guarantee that ION offers to you. They’re also wiling to help upgrade/downgrade software and other tools that might be on your website, giving you more time to work on the more important things in your business.

And Last, But Not Least…

One thing that stood out to me on ION’s website is that they have both positive and negative reviews, all on their front page!

You don’t typically see a company that is that transparent that they’re willing to give you both the good, and the bad, all on their home page.

Of course it doesn’t mean a lot, since they obviously choose those negative reviews that don’t hurt them too much. But it does show something for at least showing that they do have negative reviews. Most companies try to hide them from you, since they can discourage you from buying their products.

But ION chooses not to. Instead, they help show their transparency by being open to the negativity they’ve received. It definitely makes me trust them a little more, and believe that they are legit.

Is 1 And 1 A Scam?

As you’ve seen within the article, 1 and 1 IONOS is no scam. It’s a great site to get great deals for great hosting. Out of the images/hostingdozen or so sites I know that cover website hosting and services, IONOS definitely stands out above the rest.

I’m currently not hosting anything with IONOS, since I’m a part of Wealthy Affiliate, and they cover a lot of my hosting services. But if I wasn’t with them, then I would definitely choose 1&1 IONOS for their web services. To learn more about IONOS and their services, you can check them out here!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on our research and analysis. However, we are not liable for any inaccuracies or errors, and readers are encouraged to conduct their own investigations. If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a website, feel free to reach out to us via our contact form to initiate a discussion.

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