Curious about whether Wealthy Affiliate works, and trying to look for an honest Wealthy Affiliate review?
Well, look no further!
In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at a website that I’ve been a part of for some time now, and wholeheartedly recommend.
We’ll look into my own personal life, and talk about how I’ve been able to support myself with the training I’ve learned through Wealthy Affiliate
(And It’s not through promoting them).
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy learning about Wealthy Affiliate!
Company: Wealthy Affiliate (WA)
Creators: Kyle and Carson
Description: A site that teaches you how to promote yourself, something you love, or enjoy doing, and earn a full-time salary from it.
Free Membership: YES!
Premium Memberships: 1st Tier: $49.00 per month, 2nd Tier: $99.00 per month
Legit? Yes
Recommended? Yes! (Their training was where I learned to support myself and my family!)
Rating: 10 out of 10

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is a company that has taught thousands of people how to make money online, and they’ve been doing that all the way since 2005.
They teach you how to quickly build a website, write blog posts that will rank and get you free traffic to your site, and create stellar reviews of the products that you’re passionate about and want to share with people.
You learn how to find products that you can promote online (either ones you own yourself, or ones that other people own), and make money promoting them.
That’s pretty much it, in a nutshell.
Doing a quick google search reveals that a lot of people have gone through their training in the past years, and many have become full-time business owners (some even now running multi-million dollar companies).
So Wealthy Affiliate is definitely no scam.
Let’s Jump Right To It: My Personal Experience With Wealthy Affiliate
So let’s not dilly-dally around – we’ve established What Wealthy Affiliate is and that they’re not a scam, but can you actually make money with them?
I’m here to tell you that, yes, I support myself by what I make with the training in Wealthy Affiliate.
Below is actually a screenshot of my most recent earnings from this month (1st-19th of July, 2023):

Nearly $4K in a little more than half a month. And on top of that, these are just one screenshot of my earnings. I also make more else where.
But I wasn’t always making this much. I was actually right where you were today:
Wondering whether or not Wealthy Affiliate was worth it.
Where I started: 20 Years Old, No full-time Job, and Still Living With My Parents.
Back when I stumbled onto Wealthy Affiliate, I was still living with my parents, and had no clue what I wanted to do with my life.
I chose not to go to college, not because I didn’t think I would do well (my parents can attest that I was bright academically).
It was because I was tired of the schooling system, and, well, actually thought that there wasn’t a point to ‘higher education’.
I also hated the thought of going somewhere, talking to other people, and have to (ugh) socialize.
What can I say? I’m an introvert through and through.
And so that left me with having to try to find something that didn’t require me to talk to people.
Needless to say, that sort of drove me down a path to try to find something that I could do, all online and away from other people.
Well, that, and do it from the comfort of my parents basement.
(Okay, okay. I didn’t live in my parents basement – it’s unfinished an leaks radon. It’s just an expression…)
And so, after searching around, I stumbled upon Wealthy Affiliate.
And That’s When I Began Learning How To Make Money Online.
It was back in 2018, and Wealthy Affiliate was (and still is) teaching how I could take any passion and make money from it.
I know, I was thinking the same thing as you:
“Any passion at all, and you can make money from it?”
Make Money From ANY Passion!

As of writing this (in 2023), it’s 5 years since I’ve joined Wealthy Affiliate, and I’ve put that question the test.
Over the course of those 5 years, I’ve made money blogging about many different types of topics:
- bad breath
- recipes
- how not to get scammed
- self care
- decluttering/organizing
- minimalistic wardrobes
- bullet journaling
I’m actually in the process right now of starting a new site with my wife about homesteading, gardening and homemaking.
Any passion you have, and you can make money from it.
Let’s Be Honest: This Isn’t For Those Who Need Money Right Now.

If you’ve landed on this page, and you’re looking for money right now, then this isn’t going to work for you.
Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a “Get-Rich Quick” scheme.
I personally had to work hard for a good three-four years to get where I am now (I worked on my site on and off during that time).
But it’s all worth it in the end.
As of right now, I’m fairly confident that if I were to have to start over, I could get to the success I am right now in less than 2 years.
Do You Want To Be Your Own Boss In Less Than 2 years
What would you do if you knew that in less than 2 years you could be doing what you want, work when you want, and not have any employer breathing down your neck?
Would you be willing to work through the hard times in you life (like when I had to work on my business even though I felt as though my life was falling a part)?
Would you be willing to learn something new every day? (With the knowledge I know now, I have the knowledge and experience that of a Content Writer, Social Media Marketer, Paid Ad Specialist, Copywriter, Web Administrator, Funnel Strategist, as well as a ton of other job titles!)
If you are, then I would love to connect with you.
I’m willing to help you build your business in two years, if you’re willing to just do the work and learn something new every day.
You interested?
What I’ve Personally Achieved With Wealthy Affiliate
Over $10K In A month!

May was my best month so far, where I was actually able to make over $10K worth of sales to one of my sites.
Once you learn how to turn that passion of yours into something that resonates with others, you learn how to be able to help point people to the things they want.
And when you do that, you see the money come in fairly easily.
Another cool highlight was that if you look at the screenshot above, you’ll also notice that I made over $1K in just one day (May 2nd). Pretty proud of that day.
Over 100K People On My Site In A Month!

I’ve personally have one site that has been pretty consistent in giving me over a hundred thousand people coming to my site every month!
That was actually a pretty good month. I think I made close to $3.5K on ad revenue alone.
All I did was follow the training in their main course (more about that lower on down this article), got the traffic I needed.
Over 30K Email Subscribers!

Okay, okay, so, the screenshot actually shows 29,709. I’m going to give 30K by the end of the week (and will update this post by then).
Once again, these things I’ve been able to achieve haven’t been that hard. I’ve just been diligent in applying what I’ve learned through Wealthy Affiliate’s training (as well as what some of the community has coached me on) to get to where I am today.
Are You Looking For An Expert To Coach You?
Here’s the thing.
Many people will write a review and try to get you to Wealthy Affiliate even though they’ve never made money online before.
I’m not trying to get you to do that.
I’ve made money online, and it’s not from promoting Wealthy Affiliate. I’ve made money selling printables, courses, and even affiliate with dental care products.
I’ve been around the block, and know how to get a site up and running, what keywords to target (and which ones you shouldn’t target), as well as coming up with a successful plan for any business venture.
At the end of the day, I’m just here to help people succeed better than me.
(Talk with my brother – I’m so interested in seeing people succeed, that I’m running a PPC campaign for him free of charge.)
I’m not here to get you to purchase something that you don’t need, or to get you to Wealthy Affiliate and not help you out.
Speaking of helping people out, check out the screenshot below:

If you look very closely, you can see that I’ve had a conversation with some guy named Eric who needed some help.
Honestly, I don’t even know the guy. He just popped in live chat one day and asked for some GeneratePress (a certain WordPress theme) help and I offered to him.
Free of charge.
I actually recreated his homepage, since, well, he seemed like a nice guy who needed the help.
Anyways, back on track…
The point being that I didn’t refer him to Wealthy Affiliate. Didn’t know him personally.
I just saw that he needed help.
If I help people who I don’t refer, how much more do you think I’ll you?
(The answer is a lot more)
I’m here to invest my time and energy into your future success.
So if you’re looking for someone to help you, mentor you, encourage you, and help you see the success you’re looking for, then click the button below, and contact me on the other side!
What Does Wealthy Affiliate Actually Teach Though?

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) teaches you how to be a successful marketer.
Did you know that people will actually pay you to promote their products?
Companies will give you a commission, a percentage of what the customer pays if you’ll help get the word out about the certain products that those companies are selling.
That is essentially what Wealthy Affiliate teaches you to do. You learn to promote products, and companies that you enjoy and like.
How hard is that?
If you can tell a friend about something that you enjoy, or tell the family about a product that you use, then you’ll have no trouble being a successful marketer.
WA also teaches you how to build websites, how to find good topics to write about, and how to get traffic to your site, even if you don’t have a fan base.
And all of this is free for the taking.
No upsells, no hidden expenses.
You can test-drive all this, and more, by becoming a free starter member on WA.
Wealthy Affiliate’s Main Course – The Online Entrepreneur Certification Training

Course 1 – Getting Started

In this course (which is given to you for free!), you’ll learn the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, and how to successfully make money with and through it.
You’ll gain an understanding of what a Niche website is, and how to choose an appropriate niche for yourself. You’ll learn why it’s better to choose a more narrow niche than a broad niche.
Wealthy Affiliate will also teach you how to rank well within search engine results (like Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo). This is vitally important, since with this method you don’t need to waste any money on trying to get traffic to your site (like through guest posting or placing ads).
And when you have a good foundation of what you’re going to be doing, then Wealthy Affiliate will help you set up a website. Don’t worry about how hard it may or may not be – Wealthy Affiliate makes setting up your website super easy, with setup time usually less then one minute.
Course 2 – Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

As the title suggests, this course goes much deeper into how exactly you’ll be able to get traffic to your site (at no cost from you!).
You’ll learn how to purchase your own domain (a dot com website URL), as well as how to choose a domain name that relates to the niche you have chosen.
Because you are hosting your website with Wealthy Affiliate, you’ll have the ability to set up email accounts with your website. And yes, Wealthy Affiliate goes step-by-step on instructing you how to do it.
Throughout it all, you’ll learn more about something called ‘Keyword Research”, and be given tools and information on how to properly find a keyword that will help your site rank well in search engines.
And above all, Wealthy Affiliate constantly makes sure to help you write quality articles for you website. You’ll be given access to free photos to use, templates they’ve made, and an online editor that automatically saves anything you write (so you don’t lose it if you’re computer crashes accidentally).
Course 3 – Making Money!

In this course you get the chance to dive deeper into how exactly you’ll make money with affiliate marketing.
You’ll learn how to find affiliate programs that are specific to your niche and what you’re trying to promote. On top of that, you’ll see how to apply to those programs, and certain things you may want to say (or not say) when applying.
Upon successful approval of the affiliate program that you’ve chosen, Wealthy Affiliate will then teach you how to add affiliate links within the articles that you’ve written and posted to your website.
Since this course is about making money, Wealthy Affiliate also goes in depth on running ads on your site, and the pros and cons to doing it. The training also goes on to show how to set up a Google Adsense account and use Adsense to run ads on your website.
Speaking of Google, Wealthy Affiliate will also help teach you this course how to set up a Google Analytics account. With Google Analytics, you can track how many users are on your site, how long they’re on certain pages, and which pages are doing better at converting traffic into money.
Course 4 – Mastering Social Engagement

Now-a-days, it’s hard to run any sort of website or business without some sort of social media accounts. And in this course, Wealthy Affiliate shows you how to easily use social media to your advantage.
Before you actually set up any social media accounts, Wealthy Affiliate makes sure that you have you site ready to be a social engagement – through the use of comments.
You’ll see why having comments on your site is such a good thing, which comments you’ll want to keep, and how to make sure you get people to leave comments.
After this, you’ll get training on several different social site, and how to use them to leverage traffic back to your site. You’ll learn how to use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social sites.
Last, but not least, you’ll also see how it’s beneficial to use the social part of Wealthy Affiliate’s website and how that can be used to make some additional money.
Course 5 – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation

In this final course, you’ll learn just how to maximize your efforts to get the best return for your time.
Wealthy Affiliate will take you through setting up your site with Google Search Console, and show you how to use it to effectively speed up your rankings within the Google search engine.
Following this, you’ll then learn how to properly write an engaging and thought-provoking title. Not one that is exclusively made to be clickbait, but one that makes people want to click to read your article (and not someone else’s).
And let’s not forget about making a proper plan for your site. You’ll be given several key ingredients on what you want for your site (in the future), how to get there, and what you need to do to achieve it.
There are also several lessons on how to make sure you ranking on all the ‘smaller’ search engines (like Bing and Yahoo), and not rely exclusively on the Google search engine. You’ll additionally learn how you can get quality comments for your articles through the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
Join Wealthy Affiliate Today!

Join today, and start building out your passion. When you join below, I’ll be notified that you’ve joined, and can help you as you learn how to make money with affiliate marketing.
You’ll learn from my mistakes, be able to run any ‘niche’ ideas past me, and ask for help on anything relating to Wealthy Affiliate or affiliate marketing.
And on top of this, you don’t have to pay a dime to see if Wealthy Affiliate really works.
Stay on a starter member to test-drive everything (and see that it works), and then upgrade.
Where else can you do that?
Join today, Meet up with me and start learning immediately just how you can take your passion and make money from it!
Other Frequently Asked Questions People Have:
Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For?

Wealthy Affiliate is for those who want to learn more about affiliate marketing. In today’s day and age, people can be an affiliate to most any product. And they can do that through YouTube, vlogging, blogging, writing, etc.
While Wealthy Affiliate is geared towards someone who is going to write something, they also teach others how to make money through a YouTube channel or something similar.
And it’s not like you have to be good at writing either. From what I’ve learned while checking them out is that Wealthy Affiliate will help show you how to get better in your writing style.
You don’t need to have an English major in order to achieve success through Wealthy Affiliate. Or, at least, those who have had success didn’t have any majors or degrees.
As you will learn if you join Wealthy Affiliate, all you need to do is be able to convey something to someone through written words. And it’s not as hard as it sounds.
Ever wrote a lengthy email, giving your opinion about something to someone else? Have you ever wrote something on social media, and wrote it in a way to convey an idea or thought of yours to an audience? Have you texted someone directions on how to do something?
Wealthy Affiliate claims that you just need to be able to communicate – written or verbal – and you’ll do well with the training they offer.
Speaking of their training, Wealthy Affiliate does claim to have a lot that they offer to anyone who joins their program.
Does Wealthy Affiliate Make You Money?
No, Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t make you money – you make your own money. However, the training that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer does teach you exactly that.
Wealthy Affiliate offers a lot when you join them – website hosting, coaching, training, constructive feedback/comments. But the #1 thing they don’t offer is them doing the work for you.
Having said all that, if you follow the training that Wealthy Affiliate gives to you, then you can make money through Wealthy Affiliate.
For example, below is a screenshot of just some of the money I’ve made when I put Wealthy Affiliate’s training to work:

As you can see above, I made over $2K and some odd cents just by running ads on my site (which Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to do).
All I did was follow the training that Wealthy Affiliate gave on how to get people to my site, and was able to hit several record-breaking days:

The image above shows my traffic from that specific month. I should add that is is generally lower than what I usually get (most months I get closer to 80K-100K traffic per month.
So, if you follow the training that Wealthy Affiliate provides, and don’t quit, then yes, Wealthy Affiliate can (help you) make money.
Is Wealthy Affiliate’s Training Outdated?
Wealthy Affiliate started back in 2005, so it’s little wonder people would ask whether it’s outdated or not.
Here’s the thing with Wealthy Affiliate and their training: it’s hasn’t really changed much.
Before we go jumping to any conclusions, let me explain what I mean by that.
Wealthy Affiliate hasn’t changed much of it training simply because it hasn’t needed to be changed.
Yeah, they had to add some explanations here and there, and change something when other products were no longer around.
But the main things that Wealthy Affiliate has been preaching has remained the same.
What they’ve been saying since the beginning still works now-a-days – create a seo-friendly website, write quality articles, add the affiliate links, and you’re in business.
I know, everyone wants proof about whether Wealthy Affiliate is outdated or not.
So here’s my personal proof. Below is actually from this specific site (I run several sites, and this site is actually one of the under-performing ones. The screenshots from the previous question come from my best site currently).

As you can see in the screenshot above, I currently have a ‘paycheck’ waiting to be released to me on the first of the next month. That is money that I earned by following what Wealthy Affiliate teaches.
Wealthy Affiliate is definitely not outdated. Their website, training, and methods are as up-to-date as ever, and still work great.
Need more proof?
Earlier this year, I used the training from Wealthy Affiliate to rank well on Google. So well in fact that 4 minutes after publishing my article, Google ranked it #1 on the search engine:

Additionally, using the training that Wealthy Affiliate give out, I was able to get over 4000 page-views to my site in just one day:

I can’t speak for everyone.
But I can speak for myself, and say that Wealthy Affiliate’s training still works.
It might be ‘outdated’ in the sense that it’s the same thing they’ve been saying since 2005. But it definitely still works for 2020.
I’ve been able to make money, rank extremely well, and receive a high amount of traffic to my site, all through the training Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.
So, over all, Wealthy Affiliate isn’t outdated at all.
Is Wealthy Affiliate Free?

Wealthy Affiliate offers a free membership to their site, so that anyone can see what they have to offer before paying for Wealthy Affiliate’s premium membership.
Upon joining the free membership, you’re account will automatically get some of the premium membership perks (live chat, communicating, etc) for 7 days.
You’ll be given a free website to start building on and experimenting with as you learn more about affiliate marketing.
You’ll additionally be given the first phases in Wealthy Affiliate’s prized training courses. In those lessons, you’ll learn the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and just how you can make money online.
You’ll have the chance to earn from Wealthy Affiliate, and anything you promote on your site, without even having to pay for the premium membership (so you can see if it really is for you).
Want some 1-on-1 coaching? For the first 7 days, you’ll have the ability to get it – even coaching from the founders of Wealthy Affiliate themselves!
Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money?

Depending on which membership plan you choose, Wealthy Affiliate can cost anywhere from (roughly) $300-$600 per year for their premium membership.
But what Wealthy Affiliate gives you in return is worth more than what you have to pay. Below are lists of just a few benefits that you get from joining Wealthy Affiliate:
Education and Features Benefits
- 300 hours of educational videos on affiliate marketing, keyword research, understanding costumer interaction, wordpress, and much more!
- All 50 lessons of the Online Entrepreneur Certification Training, and 70 lessons of the Affiliate Bootcamp Training.
- Weekly live training from an expert in Affiliate Marketing (additionally having the ability to interact with the trainer, asking questions, commenting, etc).
- The ability to earn revenue from training that you publish on Wealthy Affiliate’s website.
- Access to 12 different classrooms filled with many common questions and answers to common problems with affiliate marketing.
Website Features And Benefits
- Up to10 different websites you can use to build your businesses on.
- Access to SiteDomains, where you can buy cost-effective domains (that include email accounts and SSL for FREE).
- Access to SiteSpeed, which allows you to monitor your site speed and gives advice on how to make your site faster (which helps with user experience).
- Access to SiteProtect, a hard-hitting spam protector for your site.
- Access to SiteHealth, website analysis on how healthy your site is seen in the eyes of search engines.
- Access to SiteComments and SiteFeedback, two features that allows you to get comments to specific articles you wrote, and feedback on content, website design and/or user experience.
Hosting Features And Benefits
- 24/7 monitoring of your site, in the case that it goes down, Wealthy Affiliate can bring it back for you.
- Being hosted on servers that will maximize the speed and load time of your site, more so than most other servers.
- 24/7 backups of your site, with snapshots being taken hourly, so that Wealthy Affiliate can easily restore your website.
- Free malware and virus protection, so that you don’t have to worry about stopping any hacking attempts (Wealthy Affiliate will do this for you!)
- 24/7 support for you site, with about the average answering time is less than 5 minutes.
Keyword, Niche And Website Research
- Unlimited keyword searches, with the ability to see which keywords will rank well, and which won’t.
- The ability to track just how you site ranks over time, and which keywords get ranked higher than others.
- Access to niche research and discovery, where you can find niches and topics for your site to revolve around.
- Easily checking out your competition and seeing what they’re doing to rank for keywords you may be targeting.
Support/Mentorship Features And Benefits
- Access to 24/7 answers to nearly any question you ask – need a good plugin for you site? Ask, and you’ll get a quick and timely response!
- Integrated live chat, with the ability to chat with thousands of fellow affiliate marketers across the world.
- Advice and interaction with the founders of Wealthy Affiliate – you’ll have the chance to chat with them, PM them, and even pick their brain on any questions you might have.
As you can see from all that was said above, you definitely get your money’s worth when you pay for Wealthy Affiliate’s premium membership. I haven’t even been able to use all the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate so far because there are just too many!
Is Wealthy Affiliate a pyramid scheme?
To understand whether Wealthy Affiliate is a pyramid scheme, we must define what exactly a pyramid scheme is. To do this, I’ve listed three definitions to help better understand a pyramid scheme:
What Is A Pyramid Scheme?
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
noun A fraudulent moneymaking scheme in which early participants are paid out of money received from later recruits, with the final recruits putting money in and getting nothing back.
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
noun An illicit money-making investment scheme whereby early investors are paid primarily or wholly by later investors. Eventually all such schemes fail to the detriment of recent (later) investors.
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
noun a fraudulent scheme in which people are recruited to make payments to the person who recruited them while expecting to receive payments from the persons they recruit; when the number of new recruits fails to sustain the hierarchical payment structure the scheme collapses with most of the participants losing the money they put in[.]
As you can see from the above definitions, a pyramid scheme is where those who bought early into the scheme make all the money, and those who join later usually don’t make much, if any, money in the end.
Additionally, pyramid schemes don’t last very long – once they’re found out people stop paying into them, and in the end, the pyramid falls a part and no longer is in existence.
Wealthy Affiliate and Pyramid Schemes
Wealthy Affiliate is definitely not a pyramid scheme, especially if we take the definitions above into account.
- Wealthy Affiliate has been around for over 13 years (the average pyramid schemes run for at most 5 years).
- Wealthy Affiliate is free to join (pyramid schemes aren’t).
- Pyramid schemes have multiple layers of people paying you. Wealthy Affiliate doesn’t have that.
- There have been many ‘new’ Wealthy Affiliate members who have made just as much as the ‘old’ members (with pyramid schemes this isn’t the case).
- While Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to promote itself, this isn’t the only thing they teach (nor the first thing they teach) – pyramid schemes rely on you making other people purchase they pyramid scheme you’re in.
Enjoyed your article!
Thanks Paul!
why is it only now i read this i want to join you how to register?
Simply click the link, and you’ll be taken to Wealthy Affiliate.
Need to join your way to success how to register please
sign up through the following link – Wealthy Affiliate
Hello Addy! am from East African. Am starter to dopart time jobs via WA…I’ve ready signed to WA but i needed to be a premium member of WA for help and guidance.
Please direct me on how to pay the $49 fee via Paypal to WA account from my country’s bank local account, which I currently having/using in order to pay the membership fee, on international payment basis.
Eager waiting for your response in order to pay and get guidance from WA and start online working.
We sent you an email Joseph. Feel free to reply back to that, and we’re sure we can help you with any problems you might have!
Must I pay the $49 before I start earning?
Nope. I personally earned something before I paid. However, when you pay, you get access to a host of stuff, which will help you earn even more.
Also, your first month is only $19 dollars – so, you can always try it for one month and see if it truly is worth it to pay for premium.
Hope this helps!
I just tried to join your program, but I was told my country is it supported. I am a Nigerian residing in Nigeria, West Africa.
Sorry to hear about that.
Unfortunately, Wealthy Affiliate has had a lot of scammers come from Nigeria, so they don’t offer the free account to those in that country as of yet. Feel free to check out our list of legit sites for other options.
can we turn credits that we earn from wa into real money?
Depending on how you get those credits, you should be able to. If you work at being a certified comment-er, you’ll be able to turn those WA credits into real money.
Is legit or scam
Hey Austin,
Yes, Bitstokes does appear to be a scam. We wouldn’t recommend using it.
Hello Andy, thanks for your support. I live in Ethiopia, Africa can I work with Wealthy Affiliate here in my country.
Hey Binyam,
Yeah, Wealthy Affiliate should work for you. The only place where it’s more of a challenge is in Nigeria. But in Ethiopia you should be able to use it fine.
is a scam or legit
Hey Dennis,
While it is ‘legit’ in the sense that it isn’t a scam, we personally wouldn’t recommend it. It looks like the way that you’re going to make money is just by promoting what you bought. There really isn’t much benefit to that – we would recommend you read our review of Wealthy Affiliate and give them a shot.
Great and Andy should I invest in eminning or maybe it’s a scam
More than likely it’s a scam. They don’t appear to spell mining correctly.
hi is scam?
Yup, that is indeed a scam!
They said my country is not supported (Nigeria)
Sorry to hear that. Sometimes Wealthy Affiliate won’t allow Nigeria as starter members, because they get a lot of spam from that country, and so it’s just easier to block a Nigerian IP address than to deal with the hassle of all the spam.
The WA program is excellent and the system to earn money is very good including his training. But it is only in English, is there a possibility that it is managed in other languages such as the Spanish language to have access to the entire Latin community?
Not that I’m aware of, Gilberto. But it wouldn’t be a bad site to start – a Spanish site that explains how to make money with affiliate marketing.
nice article – thanks for the info!
I know this is an older article, but I’m still curious. What are the credits? Do you have to be a certified comment-er in order to utilize the credits as money, or how is the regular payout? I’m mostly just curious how the pay works as I have a niche, I know what I’m passionate about and I’ve been trying to build content for a year but haven’t found the proper platform to post it to and with that it has left me unmotivated to post anything at all. But, if this is something that I can monetize rather than earn credits for (I don’t really even know what that means anyways haha) I’d love to get on board.
I would suggest asking these questions on Wealthy Affiliate. They will be able to answer them best.