Is A Scam? (Outdoor Gear Shoppers, Beware!)

Is a scam? Absolutely, from the findings of my investigation, it is a scam!

The world of online shopping is a double-edged sword.

While it offers the convenience of purchasing outdoor gear from the comfort of your home, it also harbors dark corners where scams like lurk.

Claiming to be a one-stop shop for outdoor enthusiasts, presents itself as a haven for those seeking jackets, bags, and other outdoor equipment.

However, beneath this facade lies a web of deceit that I will unravel in this article.

Join me as I expose the shocking truth behind

6 Disturbing Evidence that Exposes as a Scam

The internet is a breeding ground for scam websites preying on unsuspecting victims. is a prime example.

In this section, I will reveal the disturbing evidence that unequivocally classifies as a scam.

1. Newly Registered Domain 

A screenshot of the domain information of

Longevity is often a marker of credibility in the online world.

Trustworthy websites typically have a history of operation, whereas scam websites often have recently registered domains. falls into the latter category. Its domain was registered only a few months ago, on June 6, 2023.

This recent registration is a telltale sign of scam websites.

Which often operate briefly, scam unsuspecting individuals, and then vanish, only to resurface under a new domain.

2. Plagiarized About Us Page Content

A screenshot of the about us page of

Authentic businesses take pride in their originality.

However, has blatantly disregarded this fundamental principle.

A screenshot of the about us page of

The content on their About Us page is a direct copy from another malicious website,

This act of plagiarism not only questions the authenticity of but also highlights its lack of ethics and originality.

3. Copied Product Images

A screenshot of the home page of where the images of the products that they are selling are shown

Another alarming sign is the copied product images featured on

A screenshot of tthe exact same product image but from the website

Specifically, the image of the Keb Eco-Shell Jacket M is identical to an image found on a legitimate outdoor gear online store,

This is not merely a case of inspiration.

Instead, it is a direct copy, which raises some serious questions about the authenticity and ethics of

4. Unrealistic Discounts

A screenshot of the home page of where the products and its prices are shown offers exorbitant discounts on its products, some as high as 85% – 89%.

For instance, the Fjällräven Logo Sweater W, originally priced at $110, is now available for a mere $16.50 after an 85% discount.

These unbelievable discounts are a common bait used by scam websites to lure in unsuspecting customers.

5. Unsecured Payment Method 

A screenshot of the check out page of where it is shown that the only available mode of payment is through credit card only

The payment method on is unsecured as it only accepts credit cards and does not offer PayPal, which provides two-way verification security.

This is a significant red flag indicating that the website may not be secure, and your payment information could be at risk.

6. Inconsistencies With the Email Address that they are using

A screenshot of the home page of where the email address is shown

After leaving an item in the cart, sent me an email.

However, instead of using the email address listed on their website.

A screenshot of the message that I receive from

They used a different email address, specifically

This inconsistency is not only misleading but also raises questions about the legitimacy of the website.

Genuine businesses maintain consistency in their communication channels.

Whereas scam websites often use multiple, inconsistent email addresses to confuse and deceive their customers.

In conclusion, the recent domain registration, plagiarized content, copied images, unrealistic discounts, and unsecured payment methods all point to being a scam.

It is crucial to stay vigilant, conduct thorough research, and trust your instincts when shopping online.

The digital age has brought unparalleled convenience, but it has also opened the floodgates for scams like

Staying vigilant, conducting thorough research, and trusting your instincts are essential when navigating the online shopping landscape.

Keep in mind that if something appears overly promising, it’s likely not genuine., with its questionable practices and dubious affiliations, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining your guard online.

So, before clicking that ‘Buy Now’ button, take a moment to dig a little deeper, trust your gut feelings, and remember the lessons from

Because in the world of online shopping, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Don’t Be a Victim Of Online Scams!

Are you tired of navigating the treacherous waters of the internet, constantly fearing the lurking scams? 

Empower yourself with my free course on how to detect an online scam.

Learn essential skills such as:

  • Checking for Malware
  • Analyzing Website Registrations
  • Exploring Past Website Snapshots
  • Identifying Website Errors
  • Scrutinizing Social Media Accounts
  • Validating Website Email Addresses

Stay vigilant against online deceivers who aim to outsmart you. Arm yourself with knowledge, shop with peace of mind, and be the hero in your online adventures.

Sign up now and outsmart the scammers!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on our research and analysis. However, we are not liable for any inaccuracies or errors, and readers are encouraged to conduct their own investigations. If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a website, feel free to reach out to us via our contact form to initiate a discussion.

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