Is Data Entry Jobs A Scam? Can You Make Decent Money?

Data Entry JobsIn this article we’ll take a look at a website called DataEntryJobs(dot)org, as well as look into several sites that give you better alternatives to finding data entry jobs.

Is Data Entry Jobs a scam? Is their website legit? Come find out, as we take a look at one of the most interesting sites that I’ve seen in a while.


Product: Data Entry Jobs (DEJ)

Creator(s): Unknown.

Description: A site that has a bunch of (outdated) online jobs that you can choose to look into.

Price: Free

Recommended? No

Rating: 1 out of 10


DEJ (Data Entry Jobs) is a site that actually struck me by surprised as I reviewed it. There could be a lot of potential for the site, but it looks like it’s just another site dedicated to scamming people of money.

Data entry jobs on its own aren’t actually bad things. They are pretty much jobs where you input words and phrases (i.e. data) into a some sort of document or file (i.e entry). Basically, you’re entering data.

The pay isn’t that great, but it does keep you busy, assuming you find work. But we’ll look at that later on. First, it’s off to the site DEJ(dot)org to see if it’s legit!

Where Do We Start?

In all honesty, when I started taking a look at the site, it was immediately clear that it wasn’t a site that you should do business with.

outdated latest listingsYou’ll notice that the latest listings are all from 2016!

How are you expected to find legit data entry jobs on this site, if all of the latest listings are from over 2 years ago? Also, many of those listings aren’t actually data entry jobs, but customer service, laundry, and even clerical positions!

I always try to give a website the benefit of the doubt. But even still, with a front page that has the latest listings as jobs from over two years ago, it’s not a very good way to start off your business.

But maybe, just maybe, something is wrong with their front page.

Maybe I should post an ad?

So I scrolled over to the “post your ad” tab, and tried to see if I could post an ad. Even if I wanted to, I’m not sure I would have:

Post Your AdI don’t know about you, but I’m still sort of caught up on the first thing to do – select your breed.

What does that even mean? I mean, I come from a family that raises animals, and so when I hear the term breed, I think of either cows, goats, or chickens and the various breeds within their species. But with humans?

Select my breed… Tall? Fat? Skinny? Handsome? As I was talking with some of my family members about this, they jokingly added human and/or AI (Artificial Intelligence) to the category of breed.

I realize that they want you to select your race. But I’ve honestly never heard it put down as selecting your breed.

On top of that, there was actually nothing there to select, not for option 1, or any of them. It looks like they’ve closed down being able to allow people post ads (which is probably for the better).

What about finding a job?

While the posting an ad thingy may not work, maybe finding a job will.

Like the other things we looked at, it doesn’t quite seem to work that way. I decided to just randomly click on a certain country to see what jobs were available there. I landed on Afghanistan.

Clicking a little further, I finally ended up with jobs that were supposed to revolve around the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, in Balkh. So why was am I getting a job listing for the city of Seattle?

You’ll notice that it seems to clearly say that these are jobs that are found in Mazar-e-Sharif, and yet the second one listed is for a job in Seattle (which is in the USA).

I mean, I know I wasn’t good at geography, but even this type of error can’t be ignored. Unfortunately, this isn’t the worst part of the whole entry jobs issue.

Contacting the jobs themselves

When you look into any one of these jobs openings, you’ll see a short description, and then usually an email address. Strangely enough, every email address I have come across was a gmail account.

All of these gmail accounts were one name email accounts, like ananda(at)gmail(dot)com, or emory(at)gmail(dot)com. The other peculiar thing was that most of them started with an ‘a’ name.

Whatever the case, it looks like the majority of these jobs aren’t real. If every ad is using a gmail account, and those gmail accounts are all single name accounts, something fishy is going on…

Contact support!

They do have a contact page, and so I decided to contact them. Before I did though, I was wondering why they choose the email that they did.

UsedCarsForSaleByOwner? I mean, I know that I have some pretty strange emails, but using one that is irrelevant to your website?

It’s actually interesting that the owner used that particular email address. When you search that contact info in your favorite search engine, you find a host of other sites that are run by the same address.

It looks like this guy (or gal) has been making these types of websites for a while now. If there was anything left to be trusted about this site, it’s definitely gone now.

Is the site a scam?

I would say it is pretty close to being that, if it’s not that outright. The owner runs several sites like it, and from a quick look at those sites, there doesn’t seem to be anything that looks legit about them.

With a site that is pretty much broken to use, no longer updated job listings, and several other things that we didn’t look into (privacy and safety tabs), this site isn’t worth your time or energy to use.

Using The Right Sources To Find Jobs

while this site isn’t worth it, that doesn’t mean that data entry jobs aren’t worth your while. Jobs that require you to enter data abound all over the place.

The great thing about these types of jobs is that you usually don’t need to have any credentials to become a data entry worker.

The downside is that you won’t make a lot of money doing it. You’ll probably make anywhere from 2-6 dollars an hour. So if you’re in a bind, and need just a small amount of cash, data entry jobs could just do the trick for you.

Recommended For You

Below are several sites that are recommended. They’re scam free, and they shouldn’t cost you a single dime to sign up for:

Mturks. Amazon’s Mechanical Turks is a great place to go if you’re looking for work, though you won’t be making much. You’ll sign up and find several types of jobs available to you, called hits. Request that you do them, and start entering the data!

Clickworker. Clickworker is another site that you can get paid to do data entry jobs. Additionally, you’ll be able to look for jobs for proofreading, surveys, and research. The better you do, the more jobs that you get access to.

Microworkers. Microworkers brings you a site that gives you micro tasks for you to accomplish. They range from simple one entry tasks to more complicated task. As with the one above, the better you do, the more money you’ll make, and the more tasks you can apply for.

There are dozens of other well-known data entry job sites that you could use as well, but the three above should get you started.

Data entry jobs abound all around the internet, and while they don’t quite give you a lot of money to do the jobs, they are easy enough to do. Finding jobs like data entry is a great way to start learning on how to make money online!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on our research and analysis. However, we are not liable for any inaccuracies or errors, and readers are encouraged to conduct their own investigations. If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a website, feel free to reach out to us via our contact form to initiate a discussion.

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