Many beginners want to make money online, and most want to do it through blogging. I’m here to help show you how easy it is to learn to make money blogging.
Before we do that though, the road to making money may not be as easy and quick as you might think it is. If you are willing to learn and put in the time and effort, then you will definitely succeed in making money online through blogging.
So, without further ado, here is the ‘how to make money with blogging’ for beginners.
How To Make Money With Blogging

So here you are, ready to start off in a new adventure of blogging, and trying to make money with it too. Not a bad starting point. Before you get to writing stuff for your blog, you need to first set up a place where you can get put all the stuff you have written.
Making A Site
The first step of making money online is by making a website where you can put all your blog posts!
Of course, if you’ve done this already, then feel free to skip this whole issue, and move on to the more fun stuff (making money!).
At this point, I would recommend starting a blog on a free blogging site, that way you don’t need to worry about domain names, hosting, and all that other stuff just quite yet.

You can host your blog on the usual sites, like,, or But I recommend for you if you truly are serious about making money. It uses wordpress, and helps you easily set up and install your site (It boasts of being able to set up a site in 30 seconds or less).
Writing Quality Content

There are many different wordpress themes for you to use (assuming you are using wordpress), and many different ways to set up a site specific to what you want to blog about. So I’m not going to tell you how to set up your site. I’ll leave that to the experts.
What I will say is that you want to make sure that you are blogging in a way that will help you make money better. So here are 6 things you want to remember as you write:
- Small Paragraphs. Many people now-a-days are searching on mobile phones and screens that aren’t as large as regular desktops. So for people to enjoy your reading, make sure that you have short paragraphs, as that will help keep people on your site.
- Use Headings. If you look above, and see “Writing Quality Content”, you will notice that it is larger than the other content. It’s called a heading. Using those helps break up your article into readable chunks for those reading your content, and also helps give a brief summary of what you are going to be talking about in this chunk of words.
- Use Standard Colors. It has been proven time and time again, people like a white background and black letters. That is the standard. It’s really easy to read for most people, and works. I know you will have a wide range of colors and may want to change backgrounds and colors, but resist the urge, as it will be better in the long run.
- Be Conversational. The best way to write is to write like your are in a conversation. Pretend you are writing to your best friend, or a relative, and then try to keep it that way.
- Good Title. Use titles in your articles that are relevant, and something that you would want to click on to look at. Instead of naming something “I fixed the squeaky brakes on my car”, change it to something like “Fixing brakes so that they don’t break – 9 quick steps to having your brakes squeak less”.
- Relevant Images. People are visual people. So don’t be afraid to add pictures and images to help convey what you are trying to say.
Bursting The Money Bubble Before It Gets Too Big

This is something that most people don’t want to do, talk about the hard work side of things about money. Most people want that easy way to make millions and have enough to be able to have all the comforts of life.
Well, what I’m going to say may just burst your bubble. Making money with blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. I’ve read of guys who blogged for 5-6 months straight, and didn’t make a dime.
Some people are ‘lucky’ and make money rather quickly. I was one of those people. I made money blogging within the first several weeks, something that isn’t heard of too often. Now that doesn’t mean that I became rich overnight. I only made about $2 or so.
What am I trying to say?
Blogging takes time. It can take a long time to make enough money that you see the benefits of blogging for money.
Typically, it will take 1-2 years for someone to be blogging consistently to make some serious money. That number is for beginners. If you aren’t new to blogging for money, you may do better more quickly because of your experience.
But there is hope. I told you about those people who blogged 5-6 months consistently, and didn’t make anything? Well, that next month, they started seeing sales, and as they kept at it, they continued to make money, so much so, that they were able to become fully financial from their blogging.
They did that because they weren’t afraid of hard work, and never gave up. They were consistent with their writing, and weren’t quitters.
If you want to make money online through blogging, then adopt this same mindset. Don’t quit, no matter what life throws at you, and you will succeed in making money. This is been proven time and time again.
How To Make Money

So you have your site, and you want to make money. How do you do that? There are several ways that you can do it, but the main one I’ll be focusing on is by being an affiliate.
Become An Affiliate
An affiliate basically means that you like a certain product, or company, that you don’t own, but that you promote on your website. If you can get people to click to that site by going through your site (typically through a link), and they buy something, then you will earn a percentage of what they paid.
There are a lot of affiliate programs out there. There is a saying out there that goes like ‘if you can write about it, then you can affiliate to it’. And that saying is true. If you write about anything at all, you can find an affiliate program to make money.
Here are quite a few affiliate programs that you may want to look into:
- Clickbank
- JVZoo
- CJ
- Offer Vault
- Click2Sell
- CommissionSoup –
- ShareASale
- Avangate
- AdCombo
- AffinBank
- AvantLink
- MaxBounty
- Tradedoubler
- Rakuten
- Amazon Associates
- eBay
Using Affiliate Links
So you have your site, and your affiliate programs. But how do you get the affiliate across to the people who are reading your content? By using an affiliate link.
Before you put an affiliate link in your blog, you need to make sure that you follow those 6 tips for good writing. That will help people click on the link when they read your blog.
So, for example, I am an affiliate of Amazon Associates. And let’s say that I have a blog about the best toilet seats. I’m going to write something like this at the end of one of my articles:
With the nightlight, the grip-tight, quiet-close lid, the KOHLER 75796-0 wins hands down. Not only does it have the features previously mentioned, but it also doesn’t wiggle around like other cheap seats, is easy to install, and clean.
If you clicked on the link up there, you would be taken to Amazon. And if you bought the seat, I would have made a small percentage of what you paid, probably around $4 for this particular sale.
That’s simply it. all you need to do is just put in your affiliate link into your blog articles, and you’re all set. All you need now is people to come to your site.
How To Make Sales

You’ve got a site and affiliate links. Now you need to understand where the money comes from. As the saying goes, money doesn’t grow on trees. So where does it come from? Other people.
These people are just like you and me. They’re normal people who are curious and many times interested in buying things from the internet. Wouldn’t it be cool to have these people come to a site that you are selling stuff and blogging about products for them to buy?
The special term for people going to a certain site is called traffic. You’ve probably heard about it before. There is a lot of it untapped out on the internet. How do you get that traffic to your site?
The answer is by targeting keywords.
What Is a Keyword?
A keyword is simply a word phrase that someone is going to type into a search engine, like Google, Yahoo, Bing, or DuckDuckGo. Someone will type a keyword to help them find out more about a particular topic or issue they are facing.
For example, I don’t know how you made it to this article, but it may have been that you were looking for information about how to learn about blogging for beginners. Believe or not, but the title of this article is a keyword that I’m using to get traffic to my site. See how it works?
That’s all great and dandy, and you may want to quickly jump on the bandwagon and start-a blogging. But hold your horses! There is still more you should learn before you start.
Let’s understand something about Keywords a little better. There are good keywords and there are bad keywords. The differences between the two are what will make you successful, and hopefully wealthier too.
A good keyword depends on two things. How many people search for that keyword, and how many people write about that keyword.
Once again, let’s take a look at my title. My title is one that is called a good keyword. Not only do a lot of people search for that particular keyword, but there aren’t a lot of people who have written about this specific keyword. So my title is a good keyword.
The way you determine how many people have written about a certain keyword is by look on Google (because it is the most popular search engine), and see how many pages come up for that certain keyword. The lower the number of pages, the better chance your article you’re going to write about will be put up on page one or two (where most people get traffic).
So with my keyword that I’m using, I’ve chosen one that doesn’t have a lot of pages with it.
Now let’s take a look at an example of a bad keyword. How about the keyword “make money blogging”. When you look to see how many people are searching for this term (which I’ll show you later), it doesn’t look like a bad keyword. With over 7000 searches a month, you would be getting a lot of traffic to your site if you got on the first page of google.
The problem with this keyword though is that there are over 280 pages on google. It will take me a long time, if it’s not impossible, to get to page one for this keyword.
So how can we find good keywords that we can use in our articles? Introducing Jaaxy!
What Is Jaaxy?
Jaaxy is an online program that does searches on google to bring you relevant keywords to write about. It’s also can track where you rank on certain keywords, it can search for different products in certain affiliate programs, and also help you figure out what you want to blog about.
If you sign up here, you can get 30 free keyword searches and a whole bunch of other things.
How To Make Money For Beginners

If you are a beginner, new to affiliate marketing, or just need more help with blogging, then I recommend Wealthy Affiliate. They’re the creators of Jaaxy, and Siterubix. They also have both Jaaxy and Siterubix integrated into their Wealthy Affiliate site, so you can do everything just from one place!
There is a bunch of free training on the site too, so you don’t have to worry about trying to figure things out. There is a huge supportive community there that can give you tips and ideas on how to better make money with blogging.
Not only that, but if you join, you’ll be able to contact me personally, where you can PM me, ask me questions, and get some of the best help out there for you to succeed.
I recently did a review of Wealthy Affiliate and all they had to offer. I also go into just some of my personal success with them, and how I’ve been able to make passive income (money that comes in without me having to do anything) for a while now.
Come and make online money without no effect and this is for real this is not a scam