When searching the web of internet fraudsters, and scam hustlers, we run into quite a few sites that make the claims that you can make money, while working from home.
Many of these sites have been found to be illegitimate sites that sadly pull many people in. We’ve published a list of other sites that are legit, but due to finding so many scam sites, the legit site list is rather short.
If you know of websites that are work from home, or have one that you’re interested in having us take a look at, then don’t hesitate to ask us via our contact form below! We always love looking into Make-Money-Online websites!
Below are two categories that the sites are broken into:
- Scam Websites To Avoid
- Sites That Aren’t Worth Your Time
The first category are sites that very clearly are scams. They are sites that should be avoided at all cost.
The second category are sites where they aren’t necessarily scams, but we’ve found much better, and more legit programs that we would recommend instead of them.

(Note: those that have links embedded in them are sites that we personally wrote a review of them, and are linking to our site. If you wish to have us review a site that haven’t written about, feel free to contact us.)
Scam Websites And Programs To Avoid!
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None of these sites are going to pay you. They are a scam websites and ones that you shouldn’t be working for. Instead of working for them, click the link below to read about our recommended program for making money online!
Is the xamoney.icu website a scam?
The name of the site tends to change depending on the referral link used to open the site. It may open as ybmoney.pw or famoney.icu or xamoney.icu and so on.
This is one of the links: [Link Redacted]
Hey Patrick,
I personally wouldn’t trust this site – they have a captcha test that is very easy to by-pass. Also, I made 5 dollars (or something like that), and when I went to get paid, they said there was an error, and I lost all the money (it really wasn’t that much tbh).
This company keeps emailing me to the pro for them doing package inspecting. Their number is 8884I9I5I9 and they did not give a website just the company name “ELBEN ONLINE STORE”LLC . They asked for all my information
Hey Jesse!
Thanks for letting us know about this scammer. We’ll add it to our list of scam websites. You can find more about why and how they’re a scam from the following link: https://www.scamguard.com/elbensalecom/
Hello guys, please tell me more about this site (apmoney.host), I was trusting that this was for real… I’ve spent time but luckily no money since I’ve already lost $1250 in other sites, unfortunately. I emailed one of the “users” who wrote about buying referrals because you actually need 40 referrals to be able to withdraw whatever you make.. and she emailed me back saying that it was true bla bla bla (helenagillmore100(@)gmail.com).
Hey JC,
First off, Helen’s email address appears to be one that has been linked to other fraudulent websites. So I personally wouldn’t trust her, or what she says.
For another thing, this site has nearly 20 or so other ‘look-a-like’ sites – look at our list, and you’ll see most of them (if they end in .fun, .icu, .host, and have ‘money’ in the domain name, then it’s probably one of them). Also, we’ve found their FAQ page on completely different sites as well.
Additionally, if you actually go to make money, you’ll find that their Captcha doesn’t exactly seem to be a real Captcha test. All their doing is just randomly putting up 4 images – but if you go into the source code and look at each image, the image name is named exactly what the number is! This means that someone could write a script that looks into the source code, finds the numbers, and inputs them into the form box – all without seeing a single ad, and doing it a lot quicker than most people can.
Awesome! I never thought of looking inside the code and the many other details. Thanks a lot.
ykmoney.xyz est t-il fiable?
Yeah, that looks like a scam…
Awesome! I never thought of looking inside the code and the many other details. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the info.from now on I’m aware anything
Please is job.workgreed.com a scamme site?
And I want to know more about it.
Hey Joe,
Yeah, that site is part of a ‘botnet’ of sites that seem to have sprung up. If you check out our article on Do Part Time Work, we detail more info about it.
Please any any online good job for us? We need some.
Have you checked out our list of legit jobs?
How is earnshot a scam since they are not asking for sensitive personal information? I just registered and only afterwards saw it on your list.
Many of these sites have been recently updated. Earnshot used to be similar to MY Work For Life. If you go to job.earnshot.com, it now comes up as the new Data Entry Scam, which we wrote about here.
The reason it’s a scam is because you can’t get paid. It’s not so much a matter of them taking sensitive data from you, but more a matter of the site not being legit.
Hi have you heard of bookamsterdam.com? I looked at their website and made an enquiry but their booking procedure seems suspicious and I can’t find any reviews at all in them.
Hey Joanne,
I wouldn’t recommend this site. They don’t appear to be around for a long enough time. They don’t appear anywhere on the internet (in reviews, etc). And they don’t seem to load for us. So we wouldn’t really trust the site just yet.
doeasywork.com/ is also fake? I just requested $301 to be passed to my paypal. I had to remove my card in that acct. Right away.
Yes, that is a scam website. They won’t pay you. Best to stop working for them.
Hi is 2captcha.com legit? or it’s just a scam website?
Hey Lyn,
It’s legit in that it works, and you can make money. However, we personally wouldn’t recommend it. They don’t pay out well, and it take a long time to make anything with them. We would recommend one of our alternatives, on our list of legit make-money-online sites.
I love what u guy are doing
Hi Andy is Work.earnshot.com a scam i just requested my withdrawal so i dont want to raise my hopes
Yes, that is a scam website Monica – look at our Data Entry Scams article for more details.
Hello guys .please can you get ‘scammed for me’ on the website called earnshot .l need to know more about it.it seems too good to be real.
Hey Albert, that site is a scam. Definitely wouldn’t recommend using it.
Hello Andy,kindly assist get ‘scammed for me’on the website called workmines. I would love to know more as it sounds good to be real.
Hey Noah,
That looks like a scam website. I wouoldn’t recommend using that to make money. The copy right notice isn’t updated, and it appears that only one person has made money from it – according to their ‘proof of payment’ page.
Is work.thedollarpay.com a scam too??
Yes, that is also a work-at-home scam website. You won’t get paid, and you won’t really make any money.
Hi is payorignal a scam or legit
Hey Africa,
We recently wrote an article about that site, and some of it’s subdomains. You can check it out here. It definitely is a scam, and one that we wouldn’t recommend that you use and/or promote to others.
Can you help me, is pocketmoneyweb.com website a scam?
Thank you
Yes, that site is indeed a scam. You won’t get paid if you work for that site.
Good morning sir andy can you recommend a site that is not a scam for earning money?
Have you checked out Wealthy Affiliate? Or how about our list of legit sites? Both of those should get you started finding legit places to work!
Which sites would you recommend sir?
check out our list of recommended sites here.
Is pillowbux.com a legit or scam site?
While there is a possibility that Pillowbux is legit, it doesn’t appear to be worth it in the long run. You don’t make very much money if you do go through with using this site.
I have work done on workingmob.com we solve captcha on them then we get 20 reffrels for getting my payment but they give not me my payment is it is a fake if they are not then how I get my payment .
Yeah, Working Mob is a scam. They don’t pay out and are entirely fake. Best to stop working for them.
submit a comment on virus total and vote negative.
Hi Andy, thanks a lot for the good work. I also sign up with pay. original.com few days ago. I kept entering captchas until it was displayed I earned $101. I was later asked to make 20 referrals before I could withdraw.
I just saw that it’s among the list of scam sites you listed above.
I’m worried that I used my official email to sign up. I hope I’m safe?
You didn’t use your email password to sign up as well, did you? I wouldn’t worry about it too much. The worst that will happen is that they’ll start sending you spam. But if that happens, you can change your spam filters to help block that type of stuff.
Hi Andy, someone just me this URL- http://xxex.xxvxa.com/
When I opened it, it was a sort of spin game. Some commented that they won prizes such as laptops, phones and so on, while some claim to be unlucky.
Please is the site a scam?
Thank you.
Yeah, that site does appear to be a scam. We followed through it, and it didn’t seem to lead where it would. They just want you to refer people, and then give them a bunch of information, so that they can scam you. Definitely wouldn’t recommend using the site!
Is Ok.LifeOk a scum please help
Hey Angie,
According to the way it looks, we wouldn’t recommend it quite yet. So, it’s probably best to find better affiliate (and more reliable) programs that that.
My uncle just asked me to register on https://viralmarket.co/. And I just did (out of uneasiness for him). Turned out it is scam. What should I do? I registered already. How can I un-register myself? There’s no menu for that in the website. Please help me
Have you paid for anything on the site? If not, and if you didn’t put in any credit card details, then I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Most scam sites are usually only there for the credit card details. So, unless you start getting large amounts of spam to your email, then I wouldn’t too worried.
good day, is ph.yougov.com scam or legit?
Hey Riza,
That doesn’t appear to be a scam. It looks legit to use.
heyy!!!and how about Agymoney.icu?? is it a scam too!!! I want to know more about it
Yeah, that site is a scam. Definitely wouldn’t recommend continuing to use it.
i think there should be a policy or party monitoring sites to know the scammers and legit in the internet market , just like clout bucks, all this site should be blocked. Cos they are bad egg and destroying the inmage of the legitimate once. For me clout bucks is a total scam site
Can you help to find this site is scam or not???
Please help me..
Thank you..
Hey Buddika,
Yeah, that site is a scam. They run several sites like it, and are definitely not legit. So it’s best to find something else.
Thank you so much.. mr. Andy
Is this site scam or not?
Yes, this site is also a scam. EasyCashJob isn’t one that we would recommend you use.
Also, please leave only ONE comment – no need to send 4 different comments. We’ll get to your comment as soon as we can. Sending more comments that relate to the same thing isn’t going to speed up the process.
Thank you..
Is successful-innovation a scam cause I put in 30dollars
We’re not sure which site you are referring to – could you be more specific in which one you want us to look at?
There are other scam sites to list on your database.
I am a victim of their fraudulent CPA programs. The sites are owned by a syndicate.
Thanks for letting us know. We’ll take a look at them, and go from there.
this is one of add clicking site. Is this scam or not?
It’s not a scam, but we wouldn’t really recommend using it, since the payouts aren’t that great.
Thanks for reply
Is this website scam https://ytumoney.icu ?
Hey Hakam,
Yeah, that site is a scam. Anything that has two letters at the beginning, money, and icu in their domain name is going to be a scam (more than likely). Best to not work for them, or use them.
is this a trusted website https://www.cjinc.info/apply-now.html?
That site doesn’t appear to have been updated in a while, so we wouldn’t recommend using it.
is this site legit https://www.3stepmethod.com/3stepmethod/?
More than likely that’s a site that we wouldn’t recommend – it a site says that you win something, most of the times it means that it’s not something you want to be a part of…
http://gabalda.com/ scam web site
Thanks for letting us know!
https://acumoney.icu/ este legitim?
It is a scam – if a site has money in the domain, and ends with icu, then it’s going to be a scam, more then likely.
is the apimoneny.icu a scam website
their requirements to withdraw money is by referring 40 to their site
Yeah, that’s a scam. They have about 20+ sites that look exactly like apimoney.icu, and have seem to be doing this scam for quite a while now.
the websites f-fiftry.com and readvesti.com
are they recommende
Hey Robson,
these are definitely scams. it’s best to not use them. Thanks for letting us know about them. We’ll add them to our list of scam websites.